Introducing the pekinese stitch:

This next stitch from
100 Stitches is simple but dramatic looking! Here are the steps. Start with just the basic
back stitch:

Add a new row of a contrasting or even same colored floss:

Now bring your needle under the second stitch of your back stitch row - don't pick up any fabric, just slide the needle under the back stitch:

Then bring your needle under the first back stitch - again don't pick up any fabric.
Now pull the floss through:

and head for the third back stitch!

Come under the third back stitch without picking up any fabric and pull through, then back under the second back stitch.

That's all there is to it! Just continue on through all the backstitches. Notice in this picture how big the loops are on the right hand side of the back stitching line:

According to 100 stitches, you can either leave them big like this or pull the whole thing tight. It just depends which look you prefer.

The pekinese stitch is #2 and is in the flat stitches category of 100 Stitches. I used six strands of each floss. The colors are dmc # 907 green and dmc #3837 purple. I stitched this on 100% cotton, quilting weight fabric with a #24 chenille needle :)
Hi Kim!...We seem to be in sync with the stitches we are wanting to do!..I love this one...I wonder what it would look like if the thread strands were different colors together in the needle???..Or maybe a bead in the loops?...There are so many options with this stitch!...Was so happy to get that New Baby pattern..It's sooo cute!...Can't wait for the little girl pattern...I like that you put the info. on the materials that you are using....blessings...Annie
Kim, can you tell me the dimensions of your header. I am getting frustrated with re-doing...
Annie - thanks so much - I am so glad you like the new baby pattern!
Miss Paula - the dimensions for my header are 877 x 115 pixels.
Thanks Kim!!
Wow, what a cool stitch. Can you recommend a good embroidery book that lists the stitches that you are demonstrating?
Hi Anita! I am working my way through a book called "100 Embroidery Stitches" It is copyright 1964 by Coats & Clark Inc. This is a book my mom had and gave to me. Coats & Clark has a new version of this book that I see is available on I hope this helps! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
nice suitable
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