Friday, February 7, 2014

Valentine's Day Card - Part Three - Finished!

My Valentine's day card is finished.  I am really happy with the result.  I wouldn't hesitate to stitch fabric onto paper in the future.  If you want to see my progress posts on this project - they are here { Part One - Part Two }

Since my last post on this project, I cut two pieces of black paper, one for each side of the inside of the card.  I wanted to make sure to cover up the underside of my stitching. 

Then I glued these to the inside of the card.  I used Elmer's Craft Bond rubber cement. It worked super and it didn't pucker the paper!

Next, I cut two pieces of white paper to layer onto the black paper.  I am sure seeing those scallop edge scissors, you know what is coming next!

I scallop cut the edges of the white papers and glued them to the black pieces:

 Here is what they look like all glued in place.  Ready for me to write my message:

I like the strong contrast of the black and white both on the inside and the cover:

Now it is all finished and ready to go!


  1. A very unusual and striking design for some lucky person. I like the additional black heart too!

  2. Thank you Jules - I love this combination, not very traditional for Valentine's day though lol!

  3. It looks great! I love the contrast between the black and white. So Pretty!

  4. It turned out beautifully Kim!! Someone will be very happy to get this very thoughtful and one of a kind card!

  5. Unique design, unique materials and ideas for DIY valentines day wishes and I so love it! Thanks for the inspiration!

    cheers and hugs xxx

  6. Mary - Thank you for your sweet comment :)
    Silvia - You are welcome and thanks :)
    Angela - Thank you! It was a fun one to try.
    Hi Marilyn :) Thank you!


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