Monday, February 10, 2014

Valentine's Day Tea Towel

I just finished a Valentine's Day mini-tea towel.  I had a small amount of this pretty fabric on hand, some pale pink rickrack and some pink color variations floss.   I transferred this lazy daisy heart to the fabric and started stitching!

I am really pleased with the result!  This little towel is only 7-1/2" wide - I think it will look really nice layered on a pink or white towel. 

This turned out to be a really quick and easy project.  I love to stitch lazy daisies.  Here is a closer view,  I also hand stitched the hem and rickrack:

The perle cotton floss I used is DMC #4810.  I really love the color variation in this floss. 

It is so many beautiful shades of pink and I think it goes well with this powder blue fabric. 

Valentine's is still a few days away, which for me always marks the beginning of the end of winter and winter weather - however, we had a little bit of a surprise snowfall over this last weekend

It has been really cold - we didn't get too much, it was so pretty

and Rego really enjoyed it!  


  1. So pretty Kim, I love the gingham background.Rego looks a very happy dog enjoying the snow! Hope it's not too cold where you are in the US.

  2. pretty...sweet...perfect!!

  3. Thanks Jules - Thank you! Yes Rego loves the snow and made the most of it! It has warmed up and turned to rain but it was beautiful while it lasted!
    Hi Magda :) Thank you!
    Darlene - Thanks and I was pleased it was such a quick project too!

  4. beautiful stitching, I love lazy daisies and the heart is so pretty. That gorgeous weather you have, we rarely get snow in Cornwall and I really miss it
    I hope you're having fun in it x

  5. It's so beautiful this embroidery :)
    Great to see Rego enjoying in the snow!

  6. Perfect marriage of fabric, thread, and pattern, very nice indeed. It's good to see that "somebody" is enjoying the snow.

  7. Kate - Thank you - yes the weather has been really great - we don't usually get too much snow here and so it always a big deal when we do.
    Silvia - Thanks! :)
    Mary - thanks so much! Yes somebody enjoyed himself very much!

  8. Hi Kim! You have a beautiful blog. I LOVE the sweet tea towel in this post and have been enjoying looking at all your beautiful creations on Flickr as well. Looking forward to seeing more :)))

  9. Hi Starr White - :) Thank you!

  10. Kim,

    Que bela postagem!!

    Quanta delicadeza!!

    Seu cão brincando ...lindo!!!


    Lígia e =^.^=

  11. Obrigado Ligia!
    Meu cachorro adora brincar na neve :)

  12. I will have to remember this for next Valentine's Day. Very pretty. Love the sweet simplicity of it.

  13. Your works are beautiful and cute dog


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