Saturday, February 1, 2014

Easter Project - Part One

I have a new stitching project I am working on.  This is for Easter but I wanted to share my progress as I go along so I am starting a bit early!  This pattern is from the Easter embroidery pattern packet. 

I first transferred the image and started thinking about a general color scheme...

Then I started stitching the E - and now looking at this I am not sure if the floss color for the text will be bright enough. 

I did this first set of leaves in the fishbone stitch .  The bright pink flower is the lazy daisy stitch, there are quite a few of them in this design so I may do them all in one color or different colors.  The pink flower also has a french knot and the yellow dots are french knots too.  

For the dark purple tulip-like flower, I am using the roumanian stitch.  I love this stitch and it is proving to be so versatile, it fills in really well even on a curve.  The bright green stem is done in rows of back stitch and the little bright green leaves are fishbone stitch.  The center flower is in long and short stitch.  I think I will fill the center with yellow French knots.  Yellow and purple are such a pretty color combination don't you think?

I have several other Easter projects in the works but I will do these in separate blog posts.  I am looking forward to using these colored fabrics - that yellow is so nice - you may remember the pillow I made out of this fabric.

I will be sure to keep posting my progress. 


  1. Oh that looks good! Love the leaves. I so want to fit some embroidery in to my schedule!

    & the Letter E needs a darker shade of Pink if you go with pink. Definitely not enough pop in that one.

  2. Thanks Mandy! I agree that letter E really looks way too light, I may change from pink altogether for the text...

  3. Just lovely Kim! ( And the wee bunny peeking out is very cute!)

  4. Jules - Thank you!
    :) Thanks Silvia


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