Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Herb Wreath Embroidery

I just finished embroidering this beautiful herb wreath motif.  This is from my new pattern set Herbs.  

You may remember my work in progress post on this project.  

Here is all the information on the stitches I used.  Check the end of the post for all the floss color information.  

For these dark green leaves, I used the Fishbone Stitch {one of my favorites!}  The center of the marjoram leaves, the center stalk of the rosemary and the little top stems of the dill are all Stem Stitch.  The rosemary needle leaves are Straight Stitch.  The dill stem is Back Stitch and the dill seeds are French Knots :

The rosemary blooms are Lazy Daisy stitches with French Knots:

I recorded all of my floss colors {with samples} in my Embroidery Journal

Here are the floss color numbers:

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