Thursday, September 19, 2013

La Cucina Italiana WIP - Part 3

Remember this wip?  I am still working on it - I updated it here and now I have some new progress to report.    All the olive leaves are stitched, I used the fishbone stitch.  I finally selected a green to use for the branch.  I had this spool in my floss box but without a number!  I think it is close to DMC 966, it is a sage green with a bit of a yellow undertone.  Do you like the stitching for the branch?  It is parallel lines of split stitch

I think it goes beautifully with the purple, this is DMC #208.  I am filling in the olives with concentric circles of back stitching.

It also sets off the leaves nicely.  I still need to fill in all the olives, stitch the other branch and wash out my marker lines.  Then of course, iron this wrinkly fabric!

I will be sure to post a picture when this is finished.


  1. Kim,

    Que lindo ramo...

    Adorei a cor escolhida, gosto de roxo.

    Tenha um ótimo dia,


    Lígia e =ˆˆ=

  2. LOVE your stitching. The fabric is beautiful for your design your stitching. Gorgeous progress:)
    love Annette

  3. Hello Kim , how are you, after a very long time around a year once again I am here , really happy to be with you all once again... Like always your beautiful and neat stitches are there ... specially I love the branches stem very much... Is this any napkin?
    With Love

  4. I think it's beautiful and the color you chose for the branch is prefect! I really like the stitches you are using.The different stitches look great together! I can't wait to see it when you are done!

  5. Looks fabulous. Love your thread and fabric choices

  6. Kim, I love that fabric!! I don't know what it will be, but I'm eager to find out! I love the branch stitches. Very clever!

  7. Ligia - Obrigado! Eu amo roxo também :)
    Annette - Thank you!
    Hi Farah - It has been such a long time!! I will check out your blog :) Yes this could be used as a napkin but I think I may end up stitching the same border on the opposite edge and using this for something like a bread basket liner or cover...
    Hi Darlene - Thank you! I really like the look of the mixed stitches too.
    Thank you Tammy!
    Angela - Thanks! The branch stitching is really quick too :)

  8. This is going to be so very lovely - and I think a bread cover would be a perfect use for it.

  9. Lindo roxo! Estou ansiosa para ver o resultado final! Bom trabalho!
    Um abraço!

    Beautiful purple! I'm anxious to see the final result! Good job!

  10. Hi dottycookie - Thank you! I think that will be the perfect use too. Hopefully, I will have it done before Thanksgiving :)
    Eglea :) I will post a picture Thank you, I love the purple too!
    Hi Cecilia - Thank you!

  11. Love the green and violet combination, it looks so beautiful!
