Saturday, June 8, 2024

Sulky Stick 'n Stitch for Hand Embroidery

I am using Stick 'n Stitch from Sulky to transfer an embroidery motif to fabric.  This motif is from my Flower Fancy pattern set:

 The Stick 'n Stitch sheet is dissolvable fiber with a peel off paper-backing.  I put a sheet of  Stick 'n Stitch into my ink-jet printer paper tray and printed the image.  This prints beautifully.  The stitching lines are really distinct and easy to see:

Then I cut around the image:  

Next, I peeled the paper backing off the printed sheet and stuck the motif onto my fabric:

I chose a lovely color palette

and started stitching!  When I was done with the stitching, I rinsed all of the dissolvable fiber off of my project.  I used cold water and it took a few minutes of rinsing.  There was no residue left.  The only downside I noticed was that a few of my Back Stitches {you can see at the top of the green curling stem} were not tight against the fabric.  I must not have pulled them through tightly enough and only noticed after the dissolvable fiber was gone.  I will remember that the next time I stitch with this product.  

I really like this method of transferring a motif to fabric and I am looking forward to using it again!


  1. What a pretty embroidery! The colors and the stitches you chose showcase it off so well. I love how you used the two greens to intertwine and look almost variegated. The flowers are gorgeous. I love those stitches for them. Ok, I will get on to the subject of this post. lol This product looks wonderfully easy to use and work with. I am glad you showed how you need to make sure your stitches are pulled tight so they aren't too loose when you rinse away the Sulky Stick 'n Stitch. I know this product could help me out. Thanks!


  2. Love the colors.

    I've had a similar problem with sticky solvent stuff, where the stitches don't quite look as neat once the film is washed away; for that reason, I tend to only use it when I'm embroidering on wool felt.

  3. Thank you Darlene! Yes it is very easy to use and saves time on transferring! I love these colors too - the stitch for the intertwined greens is Whipped Back Stitch.

  4. Hi beadgirl - Thank you for the information. Yes, I think this would be perfect transfer method for a fabric like wool felt and any nubby fabrics. I plan to do the same. For my cotton and linen I will use my wash out pen!

  5. Hi Kim,
    Lovely embroidery. It looks lovely and soothing at the same time.


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