I have been making myself embroidery floss swatch books.
These will be very helpful for matching floss to color numbers.
I have a fairly large inventory of DMC cotton embroidery floss that I store in color order.
Typically when I have new floss
I wind it onto floss bobbins. I slip the number tag under the wound floss.
Every so often, I lose a tag and then have no way of knowing the floss color number. Being able to match my floss to a numbered swatch will solve that problem!
For my swatch books, I am using two archival scrapbooks.
For the number system, I was going to use a DMC printed list of their floss numbers but they are adding new ones all the time so to keep my books current, I thought it best to use consecutive numbers from 1 to 5000. I printed strips of numbers:
I glued the strips onto the scrapbook pages and added the floss next to the numbers.
This system is working so well!